Tuesday, May 29, 2007


The Sasquatch Festival started off great, and kept getting better. We were some of the first people to arrive, so we played Frisbee in the parking lot until the gates opened, then claimed our territory. The Gorge has the biggest grass hill I've ever seen, so naturally we decided to have a rolling race down it before too many people crowded it up. This was a blast, I've never rolled so fast down a hill in my life. Simon chose not to participate in the race, and it turns out that he was the only smart one in our group. But all in all it was worth the experience. We itched all night to great music. (it makes you dance better)
The night before and the night after the concert, we camped in the desert right next to the Columbia River. It was dark when we arrived, and I couldn't figure out what smelled so sweet. In the morning I saw that I was sleeping right next to this purple bush. I don't know why so many people pay $20 to sleep in a crowded campground right next to the Amphatheater when they can drive 5 miles and be completely isolated in a much groovier spot. Maybe they're scared of rattlesnakes.

After indulging in the best Indian food of my life in Seattle, I bid my friends farewell and began my 19 hours of airline travel to Cairns, Australia. I waited in the parking lot for about half an hour, but Trevor and Pat were nowhere. I tried calling Trev's cell, but all I got was a recording of his voice coaxing me to record my own. I did.
I continued to play this game every half hour. I waited with a girl who sat near me on the plane from New Zealand. Her ride also wasn't showing up. Eventually it did, and they offered to give me a ride into town. It's a good thing I accepded the offer, because I just now learned through Email that Trevor's phone is broken, and he's hundreds of miles South of me.

So now the game has begun. Trevor and I must unite in a foreign country without the aid of a cell phone. You should all start a betting pool to see how long this takes.
Trevor said...

I'm betting that we'll meet on the hmm, let's see. The, umm, the 3rd! Yeah, the 3rd!

I like your post! see ya in a few days. . .hopefully!

Unknown said...

Well seeing as I read trevs blog and they got stuck for 4 days will Pat gets open water certified, my bid is for the 7th (four days after Trev's prediction). Glad you had a safe trip over and that Sasquatch was a blast! I am headed back from Vegas tomorrow--Toronto was awesome as well! Take care of yourself and don't bite foreign mailmen either:Eric. ;)

Robin said...

Hi Eric, I'm glad Trevor is on the coast in a dive town -- he should wait for you there so you can get a few dives in too. I will be so jealous! Remember to put sunscreen on that nose of yours -- it sticks out further than the bill of your cap. Also, stay neutrally bouyant and remember the number one rule of scuba diving! --Mom

P.S. Your nephew, Big Rick, is up to 11.5 pounds.

Jean said...

How exciting! Back to the old days! No cell phones. Good luck. I'll be checking your blog.