Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I have finally found a way to deliver photos. Here are some shots of the past week in Costa Rica.
I hereby bombard my vicarious travel companions:

My trip to the Mayan ruins was not as glamorous as I expected. But I was probably just being optimistic because my guide book warned that there was nothing to see. There were some stone walls, a road and some stairs. The bus only comes twice per day so I had six hours to kill waiting for it to return. During this time I took a very slow walk through a local nature trail, and spent some time playing in a clear cold creek. I found a flower that looks like a butterfly (clever!) and some fruits that smelled good. I broke one open and inside were a bunch of squishy seeds. I have no idea what the fruit is properly called, but I´ll refer to them as jungle-cavier. They tasted mostly like passion fruit, with a hint of cantelope. I had a few of them as I watched a sloth flop around in a tree. I also heard a bunch of dinosuars in the jungle, but never saw them.

Today I was prepared to climb Cerro Chirripo, the tallest mountain in Costa Rica, and one of the tallest mountains around. Last night I rode a bus to the nearest city, and got up early looking for a bus to the ranger station. I ran into a couple of French guys with heavy packs and asked them if they knew where I could get some camp fuel for my stove. I haven´t been able to find any so far anywhere in Costa Rica. They didn´t know either, but it turns out that they were also planning on climbing Cerro Chirripo. They told me that the bus doesn´t leave until 9:am, so we would climb it together tomorrow.
As it often turns out, the information about the bus was incorrect. As far as anyone knows, the bus now leaves at 2:pm. So I have a few hours to kill wandering around town. I did find some camp fuel, but it has the wrong kind of adapter. I´ll just eat my dinner cold, but that´s ok.

I´m finally begining to pick up a little spanish. I must know a dozen words by now =)


Robin said...

I say the fruit with the caviar seeds is a papaya. That's my best guess. What a place you are in! Bozeman is going to seem too small for your wandering soul.

Unknown said...

que bueno que estas aprendiendo espanol. creo que es el idioma mas hermosa en el mundo..he he. always helps anyway :) sorry the mayan ruins were abit of a let down, but i love the pics, very cool!

Jean said...

Beautiful photos. Worth the wait. Mellie, does that last sentence mean you believe the spanish language is the most beautiful? What a contrast to my neck of the woods. The only green we have around here is golf courses.